Monday, August 14, 2006

The Bills are there... Where is Harper?

Apparently, Stephen Harper has scheduling problems that are preventing him from attending the AIDS Conference that opened today in Toronto. The Conference co-chair Dr. Mark Wainberg said he was disappointed by the prime minister's decision to turn down an invitation to open the conference and stated publicly that he thinks Harper is making a mistake in not attending.

Though more diplomatic, this is a message similar to the one put forward by Canadian musician KD Lang last two weeks ago when Harper failed to show up at the 1st Outgames in Montreal. Lang told reporters that Harper's absence promoted intolerance. In making these comments, Lang may have been linking Harper's convenient absence to his position on gay marriage and the implicit message that the event attended mostly by homosexuals from around the world lacked the legitimacy to deliver the Prime Minister of the host country.

Because AIDS is a disease that affects many groups worldwide, it is a bit of a stretch to think that Harper would avoid the conference because of Steve’s “homophobia” as implied by Lang. However, is it possible that he has considered whether his "family values type" supporters would see his presence at the AIDS Conference giving a similar legitimacy to a demographic group historically affected by AIDS that they don't condone at best and reject at worst? Was Harper worried about a possible collective ignorance of his core support in that many may not yet know that AIDS is not a “gay” disease?

Nevertheless, I am pleased that persons with global profile and much respect such as Bill Gates and Bill Clinton chose to attend instead, giving credibility to this cause. Stephen Harper should be embarrassed to not have contributed the positive message. Although Canadians can be proud to host such an important event for the future of the world in a way consistent with Canada's traditional role in the world, it is embarrassing that our own mini-Bush AKA "the Shrub” is dodging it and pretending that he absolutely needs to be somewhere else all week.


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