Is Rae "flip flopping" on the Middle East?
In comparing Bob Rae's statement of July 17, 2006 about the situation in the Middle East with his statements published in today's National Post, I can't help but question whether he is "flip flopping" or simply effectively positioning and distinguishing himself far away from both Harper and Ignatieff.
In July, Bob focused on Israel's right to defend itself and Canada's obligation to deploy peacekeepers on the border between Israel and Lebanon. Apart from expressing a 'deep loss' about the deaths of innocent civilians in Lebanon, Israel and Gaza, his focus was more about his view that Canada's further efforts "need to focus on the refusal of both Hezbollah and Hamas to recognize Israel's right to exist".
With Stephen Harper under fire still, as further evidenced by the 15,000 person protest in Montreal last weekend, and Michael Ignatieff's odd comments about "not losing sleep..." about the loss of children's lives when Israel bombed Qana, Rae seems today to be promoting a view that Canada should be "neutral".
The political expediency of such a neutral opinion on the Middle East has only become evident since Canadians have shown their collective discomfort with Stephen Harper's approach to this crisis.
I would like to know three things: 1. What did Bob think would sell politically in July? 2. What does he think is politically prudent now? 3. What does Bob really think about this issue?
If anyone knows for sure, please advise.
Interesting post, views. In my opinion, too many people responded too quickly and now they're realising their early support for IDF was premature given the horrific actions we've witnessed over the past month.
hmmm...when Rae left the NDP:
'''The recent dramatic military incursions into the West Bank did not deter Rae from defending Israel and forcefully attacking the one-sided Svend Robinson approach of jumping in and confronting Israel only. In a column in the National Post, Rae dismissed Robinson as "a histrionic crank" whose views are "not a vision of social democracy worthy of support." Rae said he was "parting company" with the NDP over its "handling of the Middle East file."
Thanks for pointing this out Wilson61. I had not gone back that far in the archieves...
x-dip: That's so typical. But I guess we are 'supposed' to link all this in order to justify it. Sad.
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