Thursday, August 03, 2006

Are Tory insiders pleased with Harper's recent performance?

Rumour has it that some senior "Tories" i.e. particularly those "Tories" who previously backed the wing of the party that claimed to be "progressive" (the originals) are not very pleased with Harper's recent fumbles. Since being elected, there had been some success by the strategists in making Canadians “less afraid” of Steve than before. However, with Canadians musing about how closely Harper's Middle East position follows the lead of US foreign policy, this is not where the Conservative Party wants to be this early into their Minority, especially since this is what Canadians were warned this would happen during the election campaign.

Furthermore, the bad press he has been getting about him supporting intolerance by conveniently "missing" the Outgames in Montreal may have lost him the support of moderately tolerant Canadians who recently sought change in the last election.

This discontent is both expected and surprising. It is surprising since it has been hard for all parties to mount an effective opposition in Parliament given the lack of readiness of the Liberal Party. However, it is expected since Canadians typically tolerate only moderate amounts of belligerence from their leaders.

With new statistics today showing the Tories with a very slim popularity lead over the Liberals and a loss to the Liberals in Quebec, I wonder how the Progressives feel tonight. It seems Harper may have peaked in his first six months in Office in spite of having had a free ride 'til now.


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